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EP05 Dialogue 10 - The Psychobiology of Change - Ernest Rossi, PhD and Daniel Siegel, MD

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Topic Areas:
Dialogues |  Neurobiology |  Neuroscience |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
Ernest Rossi, PhD |  Daniel Siegel, MD
59 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 10, 2005
Never Expires.





Educational Objectives:

  1. Given a topic, to describe the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each approach. 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ernest Rossi, PhD's Profile

Ernest Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. The author of more than 24 professional books, Dr. Rossi worked with Milton Erickson for eight years and co-authored three classic volumes on therapeutic hypnosis with him. Rossi has also edited four volumes of Erickson's Collected Papers and four volumes of Erickson's Seminars, Workshops and Lectures. He has been conducting research in the psychosocial genomics of ultradian rhythms and their relation to mind-body healing and psychotherapy for over three decades.

Daniel Siegel, MD's Profile

Daniel Siegel, MD Related Seminars and Products

Daniel Siegel, MD, received his medical degree from Harvard University and completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. He is currently clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine where he is on the faculty of the Center for Culture, Brain, and Development and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. Dr. Siegel has lectured for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google University, London's Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and TEDx.
