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BT08 Workshop 14 - The Use of Projective Genogramming, Sculpting, Phototherapy and Other Non-Verbal Techniques in Psychotherapy - Florence Kaslow, PhD, ABPP

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Art and Creativity |  Brief Therapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2008
Florence Kaslow, PhD, ABPP
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2008
Never Expires.



Non-verbal techniques can constitute excellent companion methods to traditional testing and assessment tools, and clinical interviewing for evaluation and diagnosis of client/patient personalities, relationships and problems. In addition, they can provide additional avenues for intervening that can be utilized with many diverse populations of different ages and backgrounds, including those who may be hard to reach by verbal psychotherapeutic techniques. This workshop will demonstrate the use of these techniques and involve participants individually and interactively in their utilization so they will acquire skills to enrich their practices.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Given a patient, describe the use of projective genogramming.
  2. To describe the uses of sculpting and photographs in therapy.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Florence Kaslow, PhD, ABPP's Profile

Florence Kaslow, PhD, ABPP Related Seminars and Products

FLORENCE KASLOW, PhD, is Director, Florida Couples and Family Institute and President of Kaslow Associates in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. She is a Visiting Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Mercer Medical College, Macon, Georgia, and a Visiting Professor of Psychology at

Florida Institute of Technology. Dr. Kaslow is editor or author of 30 books, over 50 book chapters, and 180 articles in the profession- al literature. She is Past President of the International Academy of Family Psychologists; the International Family Therapy Association; and both Divisions of Family Psychology & Media Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the American Boards of Family Psychology and Forensic Psychology of ABPP. Her most recent books are Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes, and Handbook of Family Business and Family Business Consultation: A Global Perspective.
