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BT16 Workshop 29 - How to Find Your Passion As A Mind-Body Psychotherapist - Ernest Rossi, PhD and Richard Hill, MA, MED, MBMSC

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Topic Areas:
Psychotherapy |  Workshops |  Mind-Body |  Brief Therapy |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2016
Ernest Rossi, PhD |  Richard Hill, MBMSc, MEd, MA
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 11, 2016
Never Expires.



We will summarize the Rossi 50+ year saga of exploring the theory, research and practice of Mind-Body Psychotherapy with live demonstrations for the entire audience as well as individual volunteers with a focus on 4 Essential keys: 1. Milton Erickson’s Minimal Cues Optimizing Therapeutic Hypnosis, 2. The 90-120 minute 4-Stage Creative Cycle, 3.The Novelty-Numinosum-Neurogenesis Effect , 4.The Basic Rest-Activity Cycle of Everyday Mind-Body Healing. Yoga activity will be experienced as appropriate through-out.

Educational Objectives:

  1. List 4 stages of the creative cycle that optimize therapeutic hypnosis.
  2. Define each term of the Novelty-Numinosum-Neurogenesis Effect.
  3. Draw the 4-Stage Basic Rest-Activity Cycle of Everyday life.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ernest Rossi, PhD's Profile

Ernest Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. The author of more than 24 professional books, Dr. Rossi worked with Milton Erickson for eight years and co-authored three classic volumes on therapeutic hypnosis with him. Rossi has also edited four volumes of Erickson's Collected Papers and four volumes of Erickson's Seminars, Workshops and Lectures. He has been conducting research in the psychosocial genomics of ultradian rhythms and their relation to mind-body healing and psychotherapy for over three decades.

Richard Hill, MBMSc, MEd, MA's Profile

Richard Hill, MBMSc, MEd, MA Related Seminars and Products

Richard Hill has emerged from a diverse and fascinating journey to become a successful psychotherapist and an innovative speaker on the mind, brain and the human condition. From a satisfying, if not quite famous, early career in the creative arts, Richard returned to intellectual studies at 42 (1996) beginning with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in linguistics. This triggered a curiosity that led to a diploma in counselling and a new career in psychotherapy. Studying continued and, as of 2014, he has added three Masters degrees – an MA in Social Ecology; a MEd; and a Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences (MBMSc) from Sydney University. Richard is also fortunate to have been mentored by the esteemed Ernest Rossi PhD who has invited Richard into the International Psychosocial Genomics Research Team to study the impact of therapeutic practices on the genetic level.
