In the aftermath of experiencing traumatic and victimizing experiences, most individuals are impacted, but some 75% go onto evidence resilience, and in some instances Post Traumatic Growth. If the “body keeps score”, then what distinguishes the 75% resilient group from the 25% who develop PTSD and related disorders? This debate will address this question and the treatment implications for psychotherapeutic interventions.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
The Neurobiological and Psycho-Social Sequelae of Trauma and Resilience (428.8 KB) | Available after Purchase |
Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D in Clinical Psychology is currently Research Director of Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention, Miami ( He is one of the founders of cognitive behavior therapy. He was voted one of the most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century. Latest books include "Roadmap to Resilience" ( and "Evolution of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Personal and Professional Journey."