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EP85 Invited Address 04b - Using Social Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in Psychotherapy - Ronald D. Laing, MD

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Topic Areas:
Invited Addresses |  Existential Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Phenomenology
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1985
Ronald Laing, MD |  Thomas Szasz, MD
1 Hour 24 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 1985
Never Expires.




Educational Objectives:

  1. To know the theory behind the use of social phenomenology and existential philosophy in psychotherapy

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ronald Laing, MD's Profile

Ronald Laing, MD Related Seminars and Products

Ronald David Laing, usually cited as R. D. Laing, was a Scottish psychiatrist who wrote extensively on mental illness – in particular, the experience of psychosis. R.D. received his M.D. from Glasgow University. Laing's name comes to mind when one thinks of practitioners who have been most effective at challenging prevailing medical thinking on schizophrenia. He has practices psychotherapy for more than 35 years and has authored 11 volumes.

Laing teaches and practices in London. Formerly he served as Chairman of The Philadelphia Association; was associated with the Tavistock Clinic; and was a Fellow of The Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry.

Thomas Szasz, MD's Profile

Thomas Szasz, MD Related Seminars and Products

Thomas S. Szasz, (M.D., University of Cincinnati, 1944) was Professor of Psychiatry at the State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. He was recipient of numerous awards, including the Humanist fo the Year Award from the American Humanist Association and the Distinguished Service Award from teh American Institute for Public Service. He has received a number of honorary doctorates and lectureships, and served on the editorial board or as consulting editor for ten journals.

Szasz has authored approximately 400 articles, book chapters, reviews, letters to the editor and columns. He has written 19 books.
