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IC04 Workshop 26 - Three Live Demonstrations: The Magical Mind: Using Energy HypnosisTM for Healing, Energy Psychology Therapy Integrated with Hypnotic Language Patterns, Generating Associations - Carol Kershaw, Ed.D., Brian Grodner, Ph.D., Brent Geary, Ph.D.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Energy Psychology |  Hypnosis |  Psychology |  Language of Hypnosis
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2004
Carol Kershaw, EdD |  Brian Grodner, PhD |  Brent Geary, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 04, 2004
Never Expires.



Demo 1- The Magical Mind: Using Energy HypnosisTM for Healing - Carol Kershaw, Ed.D.
To achieve optimal health and functioning, we need our minds to be in a relaxed and focused state. This demonstration uses imagery, color, sound, light, metaphor and transfer of energy to achieve change in states of consciousness for mental and physical fitness.

Demo 2 - Energy Psychology Therapy Integrated with Hypnotic Language Patterns - Brian Grodner, Ph.D.
Energy psychology reorganizes and balances the relationship between our thoughts/feelings and our body/energy system. This "psychological acupressure" removes blocks and unwanted emotions and responses thereby creating the space, attitudes, emotions and physiology for positive, ecological change. Hypnotic language lubricates and enhances energy psychology effectiveness.

Demo 3- Generating Associations - Brent Geary, Ph.D.
Hypnosis is an especially valuable context for stimulating associations that can help patients to consider alternative perspectives, broaden ways in which problems are considered, and create potential avenues to pursue for therapeutic change. This demonstration will illustrate the process by which associations are elicited in a hypnotic context, from induction to termination.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe how to use a shared biofield.
  2. To list two ways to introduce energy psychology therapy to clients.
  3. To describe the process by which associations are elicited in a hypnotic context.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Carol Kershaw, EdD's Profile

Carol Kershaw, EdD Related Seminars and Products

Carol Kershaw, Ed.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice and Co-Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Houston. She is an Approved Supervisor for the AAMFT, a member of the American Psychological Association, and Approved Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

She is also a member of the International Society for Hypnosis. She is the author of the book entitled, The Couple’s Hypnotic Dance, and has published many articles including those on the use of hypnosis with diabetes, childhood asthma, trauma resolution, and weight loss. She is an invited author for the Family Therapy Magazine. Dr. Kershaw has presented workshops and lectures at numerous Erickson Congresses, annual scientific meetings of ASCH, Evolution of Psychotherapy conferences as well as AAMFT and has been invited to present workshops in Canada, South America, and Europe. She was also invited to Saudi Arabia to lead a medical team for trauma intervention. Dr. Kershaw sings with the internationally acclaimed St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Choir and has sung with the Houston Ballet, in Westminster Abbey, and York Minster in England, Thomas Kirsche in Germany, and the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Brent Geary, PhD's Profile

Brent Geary, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Brent B. Geary, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. Since 1988, he has also been the Director of Training for the Milton H. Erickson Foundation. Dr. Geary has presented internationally on Ericksonian topics since 1991 and throughout most of the United States. He is coeditor of two books with Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph,D., The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and The Letters of Milton H. Erickson.
