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IC07 Personal Development Workshop 27 - Family Constellations: A Brief, Long-Term Approach to Family and Individual Healing - Suzi Tucker

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Family Constellations |  Family Therapy |  Therapist Development
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
Suzi Tucker
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 06, 2007
Never Expires.



This two-hour experiential workshop focuses on the Family Constellation Approach of Bert Hellinger. Hellinger's unique blend of traditional notions of therapy and alternative views of healing has captured the imaginations of people around the world. Here, participants will be introduced to some of the underpinnings of the work as well as have an opportunity to step into the "field" to experience a Family Constellation as a representative, observer, or client.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe two principles of the Family Constellation approach.
  2. Given a client, propose a Family Constellation treatment.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Suzi Tucker's Profile

Suzi Tucker Related Seminars and Products

Having cofounded a publishing house with Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD (Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc.) in 1998,  Suzi Tucker had the good fortune to collaborate with Bert Hellinger — the pioneer of Family Constellations — on most of his books published in English. Under Bert’s guidance, she went on to cofound the Bert Hellinger Institute, USA, and to begin to teach and facilitate in the early 2000s. 

Suzi maintains a busy schedule, doing personal and professional group work, as well as organizational consulting.  In addition to the privilege of serving as guest faculty at the Open Center, she has served on the guest faculties of the Omega Institute, MOSAIC,  and the West Coast Constellations Intensive.  Suzi had the recent honor of  appearing with the International Systemic Constellation Conference and the Shift Network’s Ancestral Healing Summit. 

Suzi is cofounder of InterThinkers, the systemic consulting arm of a coaching-to-inclusion organization, and is thrilled to regularly work with Everyday Leadership. 

And, the thread that runs through everything is writing. Suzi is an essayist and a contributor to numerous publications in the fields of psychology and wellbeing, and she is at work on several books slated for 2021. Her first book of essays — Gather Enough Fireflies — came out in 2014.
