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IC11 Short Course 18 - Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT): Exploring a Brief Effective Alternative to Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - Dale Klein-Kennedy, MA

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Topic Areas:
Animal Assisted Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Short Courses
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
Dale Klein-Kennedy, LPCC
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2011
Never Expires.



This workshop will explore the human-animal bond and its history and will define and describe the use of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) and Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP in working with domestic violence survivors, child-witnesses, families, children at risk and populations not benefiting from traditional therapies. In addition to the information presented about this brief therapy, participants will have the opportunity to view a video of AAT and EAP sessions.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe AAT and EAP.
  2. Describe how AAT and EAP are brief and increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Dale Klein-Kennedy, LPCC's Profile

Dale Klein-Kennedy, LPCC Related Seminars and Products

Certified by the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA). Dale Klein-Kennedy has been using Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) since 2002. She is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) and Licensed Professional Art Therapist (LPAT). Counseling since 1975, she offers many different approaches to counseling children, adults, couples, and families.

EAP(Equine Assisted Psychotherapy) is a powerful, experiential therapy utilizing horses in the healing of emotional wounds and to facilitate personal growth and learning. EAP provides tools and skills to foster resiliency of people of all ages. The work consists of a partnership between the client, horse, therapist and Equine Specialist. Clients participate with the horses on the ground. The focus is on the relationship between the client, and the horse. Horses are powerful, dynamic, spiritual beings who have survived by their instincts. They live in the moment and offer many lessons and metaphors for our own growth. Horses offer unconditional love, something that humans crave and by offering that, the animal can unlock a client’s defenses and help gain their trust where a human counselor might not be able to accomplish this. EAP addresses a variety of mental/emotional health needs including Domestic Abuse, PTSD, Substance Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, Behavioral Issues, Relationship Problems and Communication needs.
