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IC19 Topical Panel 10 - Spirituality - Connirae Andreas, Bruce Gregory, John Lentz

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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
Connirae Andreas, PhD |  Bruce Gregory, PhD |  John Lentz, D. Min.
59 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 2019
Never Expires.



Understanding the clients spiritual predilections can be important in helping some clients to achieve therapeutic results. Panelists will discuss how they use spiritual orientations in medical/psychological practice.


Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe how to utilize the patient’s spiritual orientation.
  2. List ways in which the patient’s spiritual orientation can be used to effect treatment goals.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Connirae Andreas, PhD's Profile

Connirae Andreas, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Connirae Andreas, PhD, is one of the first NLP Trainers. She is most well-known for her groundbreaking work developing the Core Transformation Process, a method through which our limitations easily become a doorway to a felt experience many describe as our spiritual core. Connirae Andreas studied undergraduate psychology at the University of Kansas in 1975. She obtained a MA in clinical psychology from the University of Colorado in 1979 and a PhD in psychotherapy from North Central University in 1989.

Bruce Gregory, PhD's Profile

Bruce Gregory, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Bruce Gregory, Ph.D. has been a licensed marriage, family therapist for forty-five years, working with individuals, family, or organizations. He was the Director of the Master Program at Ryokan College for twenty-five years. He has worked in the addiction/recovery field for twenty-five years, and has trained the staffs for Promises, Cliffside and Pat Hart Consulting. His specialties in the addiction/recovery sector include working with high llevel executives, struggling young adults, and families needing systemic healing involving learning healthy communications skills, accountability, and the repair of trust. Bruce has been a regular workshop presenter for the Ericksonian Foundation for twenty-five years, presenting workshops on the integration of Ericksonian Mind-Body Hypnotherapy with other therapeutic disciplines, tai chi, Tibetan

Buddhist meditation, and quantum physics in the treatment of resistance, trauma, and addiction. He has been a corporate behavioural specialist for thirty-five years working with companies that include American Express, Xerox, and Travelers Insurance. He has published a series of articles integrating Ericksonian Mind-Body Hypnotherapy with classical music composition theory, Tai Chi, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, mathematics and quantum physics.

He has also been a workshop leader at Esalen Institute, presenting workshops in the Art of Leadership, the Transformative Power of Grief, and activation of the Core Self.

John Lentz, D. Min.'s Profile

John Lentz, D. Min. Related Seminars and Products

John D. Lentz D. Min is the Founder and Director of the Ericksonian Institute of Jeffersonville, Indiana where he teaches Hypnosis and practices marriage and family therapy. He is a member and supervisor of AAMFT AAPC and ASCH. He graduated from and later taught at the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. Author of six books including Effective Handling of Manipulative Persons and Trans-Altering Epiphanies he pastors Radcliff Presbyterian Church and is the retired Chief Chaplain of the women's prison in Kentucky. Dr. Lentz has spoken nationally and internationally on a variety of subjects involving manipulation, hypnosis, double binds, anxiety, and sexual abuse. He currently has two more books being edited. The first is about how to reclaim and maintain that loving feeling, and the second is about perpetrators, victims and bystanders. It offers unique treatment methods, and insights. Dr. Lentz also has authored 15 hypnotic CD's that assist people overcoming anger, shame, sleep disorders, loneliness, and a variety of other topics.
