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IC80 General Session 07 - Issues in Pain Control - Paul Sacerdote, MD, PhD; Basil Finer, MD; Joseph Barber, PhD

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Topic Areas:
General Sessions |  Pain and Healing
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 1980
Paul Sacerdote, MD, PhD |  Basil Finer, MD |  Joseph Barber, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 06, 1980
Never Expires.


IC80 General Session 07 - Issues in Pain Control - Paul Sacerdote, MD, PHD, Basil Finer, MD, Joseph Barber, PHD



Joseph Barber, PhD's Profile

Joseph Barber, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Joseph Barber, PhD, is an award-winning author on the topic of pain management, and a former President of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. One of the most prominent trends in the field of health and wellness is the growing awareness of the mind-body approach. However, along with the enthusiasm we are sometimes led to hasty conclusions and broad generalizations that sometimes lead to disappointment and disinterest in the field. In his provocative, challenging and often amusing presentation, Dr. Barber looks at controversial claims made in the mind-body field. He separates the fads and fallacies from a scientifically supported understanding of powers of the mind.
