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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Life Focus Community |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Erving Polster, PhD
1 Hour 28 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
A compelling social ethos beckons psychotherapy to expand beyond pathology into the way people live their everyday lives. This workshop will illuminate psychotherapy’s inherent thrust toward the communal: people joining together to explore universal issues of living; naming themes; developing novel formats, and introducing life-defining exercises. This will include a live communal demonstration.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Metaphors |  Pain and Healing |  Psychotherapy |  Resources
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Robert Dilts, BA
2 Hours
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
The late Gabrielle Roth, founder of the 5 Rhythms movement practice, was a quintessential woman of the body and sometimes called an “urban shaman.” Gregory Bateson was an iconic man of the mind and a foundational contributor to most modern methods of systemic therapy. Bateson and Roth interacted at Esalen in the legendary times during the late 1970s and Bateson encouraged Roth to bring her creation into the world. This workshop will explore the work of these two pioneers and how to integrate movement and mind to create generative resources for change and healing.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Joseph Dowling, MS, LPC
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 43 – How to Become Smart Enough to Know When to Stop Thinking: A Brief Ericksonian Approach to Lasting Solutions – Joseph Dowling MS, LPC Milton H. Erickson, MD, understood that “the conscious (thinking) mind doesn’t do much of anything of much significance…while the unconscious mind is an infinite storehouse of dreams, potentials, and solutions…” This workshop will teach a brief, solution-focused, strategic, and hypnotic approach to anxiety-related disorders. Intellectualizing, analyzing, self-criticizing, WHY-ing and WHAT-IF-ing clients will be targeted as participants learn to employ Ericksonian interventions including solution-focused questions, strategic task assignments, and formal/ conversational hypnosis via live demonstration, experiential exercise, and case studies.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Dale Bertram, PhD |  Mike Rankin, MA
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 45 – Ericksonian Principles for Helping Stepfamilies Blend – Dale Bertram, PhD and Michael Rankin, MA, LMFT By using Ericksonian Methods of utilizing resistance, working with dissociation, and altering its consciousness, we can help a step-family to change its trance and the family can become a true blended family. Step-families can learn to play together, work together, and support one another.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Art and Creativity |  Psychotherapy |  Utilization |  Communication
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
1 Hour 43 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
Language is both informative and expressive. It is the expressive component that elicits changes in emotion, sensation, “state,” and physiology; the words only convey part of the message. We will study the effective use of prosody, proximity, gesture, expression and context, and how those channels can be woven into the process of communication to create dramatic moments that empower effective clinical outcomes. Lecture, demonstration, small group practice.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Lindasue Marshall, LCSW
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 46 – Brief Therapy for the Final Stages of Life – Lindasue Marshall, MSW Brief therapy principals and methods that assess how the patient sees the problem, their beliefs and values about life and death, then intervene with tasks, reframing, and metaphor can provide rapid lasting transformation for patients with terminal illness. The therapist’s ability to help deal both directly and indirectly with the last stages of life can help terminal patients move from a fear based position to live meaningful final chapters of their lives.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Trance |  Neuroscience |  Psychotherapy |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Susan Pinco, PhD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 47 – Is it the Talking that Cures? An Exploration of the Role of Silence and Words in the Clinical Encounter – Susan Pinco, PhD Explore the role that silence plays in the hypnotic and clinical process. Our journey will begin with a discussion of structured and unstructured silence, how both are manifested, and potentially utilized. It continues with an overview of research related to silence in psychotherapy as well as findings in neuroscience that help explain why silence is a key ingredient in effective trance-formational processes. Attendees will engage in exercises that are designed to expand their awareness of the pivotal role that silence plays in healing and in so doing facilitate the conscious development of strategic interventions that utilize silence hypnotically to address a wide range of clinical issues.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Psychology |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Fabio Leonardi |  Gerry Grassi
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 48 – Changing Individual Systems in Order to Obtain Lasting Solutions: Three Brief Strategic Techniques – Fabio Leonardi, Psychology, and Gerry Grassi, Psychology Lasting solutions imply a second order change, which is a change of one’s own identity system. Basing on strategic- constructivist tradition, we developed three techniques. The first one aims to re-frame identity systems characterized by feelings of inadequacy and social inhibition. The second one aims to change identity systems characterized by feelings of victimization. The third one is used with subjects who feels dependent on others.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Psychotherapy |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Roxanna Erickson Klein, RN, PhD, LPC, LCDC |  Pennie Johnson
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 49 – Milton Erickson and Patrick Carnes: Comparing and Contrasting the Work of Two Leaders – Roxanna Erickson-Klein, PhD, and Pennie Johnson, MA This course will look at the work of two charismatic leaders, each of who made a substantial impact to psychotherapy practiced today. Commonalities and differences will be explored, and the relevance of their work will be discussed. Ideology, strategies, and principles of treatment will be compared and contrasted.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Cheryl Bell-Gadsby, M.A., R.C.C. |  Kathleen Donaghy
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 50 – Pattern Disruption Right Out of the Gate – Cheryl Bell-Gadsby, MA, RCC, and Kathleen Donaghy, PhD, PC This session will demonstrate the efficient and strategic use of energy and trancework in shifting clients’’ resistance into movement and resolution of conflict. Case examples will be provided to illustrate application of our approach with a couple, a mother and daughter, and with adolescent girls. We will conclude with a demonstration and discussion.
$15.00 - Base Price

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