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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Affairs |  Couples Therapy |  Attachment |  Attunement |  Conflict |  Gottman Method
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2012
John Gottman, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 29, 2012
Short Description:
The Atone-Attune-Attach model of couples’ therapy for healing from a revealed extra-relationship affair, with secrecy deception is described. Each of the three phases has 4 objectives. The roles of conflict avoidance and self-disclosure avoidance are discussed, as well as the Gottman-Rapoport conflict blueprint. To deal with attachment injuries and regrettable past incidents, the Gottman Recovery Kit is described. The Gottman-Rusbult-Glass cascade forms the basic theory for this therapy. The roles of cherishing and gratitude versus trashing and betrayal are discussed, as well as the theory of attunement and trust, and CL-ALT and betrayal.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Love |  Couples Therapy |  Marriage |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Terry Real, LICSW
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Short Description:
We’ve never wanted more from our romantic relationships but both men and women—in different ways and for different reasons—lack the skills to meet our new ambitions. What do men and women want from each other? Why are relationships so fraught? And how can we be more effective as clinicians? The nature of marriage has changed and therapists must meet challenges unique to our new landscape.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Divorce |  Keynotes |  Marriage |  Therapist Development |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Short Description:
This keynote explores the incredibly powerful ways we can restore hope in the flat-lined couples we encounter—both in and out of our offices. Be inspired with new, 11th hour strategies for helping challenging couples want to work things out.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Love |  Couples Therapy |  Polyvagal Theory |  Intimacy |  Neuroscience |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Stephen Porges, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 20, 2013
Short Description:
The Love Code provides a metaphor to explore the neural mechanisms underlying how and why we attach, bond, fall in love and seek out safe and trusted others in an unsafe world. This presentation will explore the body’s need for intimate engagement and social bonding from an adaptive perspective. Within the theoretical context of the Polyvagal Theory, the presentation will illustrate how specific features in our social environment may trigger neurophysiological systems, through a process of “neuroception,” that enables us either to be fearful and disengage or to feel safe and enter enduring intimate relations.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Marriage |  Conflict |  Couples Therapy |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Harriet Lerner, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 20, 2013
Short Description:
Lerner will describe the key aspects of having a clear and courageous voice with a difficult partner when a relationship is stuck in silence, fighting, distance, and blame.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Family Therapy |  Couples Therapy |  Aging and Mortality
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Janis Abrahms Spring, PhD, ABPP
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 21, 2013
Short Description:
Fifty million Americans currently care for an aging partner or parent. Using poignant movie clips, Janis will address the joy and imposition of caregiving in families and in couples. She’ll also offer universal lessons on how partners can help each other grow old gracefully and survive this ordinary, extraordinary journey.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Infidelity |  Topical Panels |  Couples Therapy
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Ellyn Bader, PhD |  Janis Abrahms Spring, PhD, ABPP |  Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 20, 2013
Short Description:
CC13 Topical Panel 01 - Infidelity - Ellyn Bader, PhD, Janis Abrahms Spring, PhD, and Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW, LCSW Educational Objectives: Compare and contrast clinical philosophical perspectives of experts.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Workshops |  Marriage |  Relational Life Therapy Model (RLT) |  Mindfulness |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Terry Real, LICSW
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Short Description:
Terry Real’s Relational Life Therapy ™ deals with the most stuck, most intractable cases by dealing squarely with issues of character. His Relationship Bootcamp begins with this slogan: “Other Workshops Teach You Skills: We Deal With the Part of You That Won’t Use Them.” WHAT you do matters less than WHICH PART OF YOU is at the wheel—the mature, present part of you, or an immature, triggered part of you. “We teach individuals in couples how to be relational—changing each individual’s character as we change the relationship between them.”
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Sex and Sexuality |  Workshops |  Intimacy
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Marty Klein, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Short Description:
What do most couples really want from sex? It isn’t endless orgasms, or sex around the clock. Most people want the same old things: connection, pleasure, excitement, mystery, validation. And magic. When the prospect of getting these is slim, satisfaction declines, and desire falls. This is not a “dysfunction;” improving genital “function” is not the answer. The key, instead, often lies in addressing power struggles and control issues; the existential challenges of adulthood; and the need for a new vocabulary. We will discuss how to move couples from perfunctory, infrequent sex to a more vibrant and intriguing experience. We’ll also look at what therapists need internally to help couples discuss sex.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Polyvagal Theory |  Social Psychology |  Couples Therapy
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2013
Stephen Porges, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 20, 2013
Short Description:
The workshop will explore clinical applications of the Polyvagal Theory. The Polyvagal Theory links the evolution of the autonomic nervous system to affective experience, emotional expression, facial gestures, vocal communication and contingent social behavior, and provides a plausible explanation of several features that are compromised during stress and observed in numerous psychiatric disorders. Humans have evolved as highly social and mutually dependent beings. Yet, when overwhelmed by stress and threat, our autonomic nervous systems adaptively dictate more primordial strategies.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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