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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Brief Therapy |  Reality Therapy |  Solution Oriented Approach
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Robert Wubbolding, EdD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 33 – Brief Reality Therapy: Present, Accountable, and Solution-Focused – Robert Wubbolding, EdD Simulated role-play demonstrations, the focus of this session, illustrate the practical use of the WDEP system of reality therapy. Client self-evaluation, the core of reality therapy, as well as the incorporation of several Ericksonian principles such as utilization, are highlighted. Participants will gain information about research studies validating the use of reality therapy as well as practical and innovative ideas immediately useful on the job. Handouts suitable for photocopying will be provided.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Hypnotherapy |  Children and Adolescent Therapy |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Tobi Goldfus, LCSW
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 34 – Unplugging from the Outside in: Brief Strategic Hypnotherapy with Older Adolescents and Young Adults (Ages 16-25) – Tobi Goldfus, LCSW-C BCD With a plugged-in 24/7 cyberspace that demands and creates instantaneous response to internet and social networking, many young people have difficulty understanding self-regulation and present a lack of selfawareness and modulation. This workshop proposes a tailored strategic approach toward utilizing the natural creativity and novelty that young people have embedded in their development make-up but often have limited access toward using their inner resources. Experiential and specific ways to elicit responsiveness and enhance “down regulation” will be explored.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Birgitta Gregory, PhD |  Bruce Gregory, PhD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 35 – An Integrative and Creative Approach Working with Couples Achieving Lasting Solutions – Bruce Gregory, PhD and Birgitta Gregory, PhD This short course will focus on the treatment of couples from the perspectives of symptoms, rigid, dysfunctional behavior patterns, and narcissistic defenses. An integrative approach utilizing creativity and humor will be presented, incorporating CBT, psychodynamic, Ericksonian, Jungian and existential perspectives. Validation, sequencing, containment and questions that facilitate accountability will be highlighted in the context of empowering clients on a variety of levels.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Psychotherapy |  Anxiety |  Depression |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Virgil Hayes, DO
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Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 25 – How to Thoroughly Co-Create Brief Therapy Efficiently and Effectively – Virgil Hayes, DO, MSW Psychotherapy is a blend of art and science. However, the art of using a conceptual framework to co-create solutions is overlooked in favor of medical paradigms. This short course focuses on non-medical understandings of anxiety and depression creation to enable the clinician to be more effective in co-creating solutions. Case discussion and lecture for all skill levels.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Worry |  Short Courses |  Unconscious Processes
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Neil Fiore, PhD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 26 – From Worry to Wonder: Evoke Your Unconscious to Make the Impossible Possible – Neil Fiore, PhD Learning to shift from worry to wonder releases conscious struggle and makes more energy available for rapid recovery and healing. Reframing worry as a request from the unconscious mind for a plan to survive an anticipated crisis can reduce stress hormones and muscle tension while enhancing immune system health. Knowing you can access a deep unconscious wisdom and support frees the conscious mind and prepares it to receive a therapeutic surprise.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Brief Therapy |  Solution Oriented Approach |  Storytelling
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Miguel Fernandez, PhD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Short Description:
It is the purpose of this short course to introduce and apply the concepts of both Narrative Therapy (NT) and Solution Focus Brief Therapy (SFBT) simultaneously in a therapeutic setting. The use of imagery and symbolism take the “storied” nature of problems and link them to the tapestry of all stories that a client brings into therapy. The Miracle Question looks at the “preferred view” of the problem and differentiates the singular vista of the problem against the preferred view of the client that has the vistas of the tapestry. EARS is used to give the client control over the preferred view of the problem.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Nicole Ruysschaert, MD Psychiatrist
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Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 12 – “Flourish” or the Petals of Satisfaction in Life and Work – Nicole Ruysschaert, MD In this workshop we will adopt a positive approach and focus on aspects that are part of the FLOURISH model: Flow, Utilization, Resilience, Imagery to stimulate High levels of pleasure and satisfaction. These aspects can be developed with Self Hypnosis exercises. Impact of the FLOURISH model on development and happiness will be reviewed. In practical exercises you can discover how to work out your own “petals of satisfaction.”
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Family Therapy |  Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Gabrielle Peacock, MBBS
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Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Short Description:
BT12 Short Course 03 – Creating Connections for Lasting Solutions in Family Therapy – Gabrielle Peacock, MBBS This workshop will focus on the importance of building relationships in Family Therapy. It will introduce participants to “connecting questions” that generate the experience of connection and relating between family members. There will be demonstration and practice so that small groups will be able to feel for themselves the experience of connection and become more able to translate this into their work.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Topic Areas:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) |  Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Francine Shapiro, PhD
1 Hour 59 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 11, 2013
Short Description:
Research has clearly demonstrated that certain kinds of life experiences lay the foundation for a wide range of mental and physical problems. Clinical and neurobiological research indicates that EMDR therapy directly addresses the physiological basis of clinical symptoms and dysfunction. Group exercises, case description and treatment videos will help participants examine the implications of this research and its application to clinical practice. Clinical examples will address individual, family and societal issues.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) |  Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
David Barlow, PhD
2 Hours 54 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 11, 2013
Short Description:
This workshop will present recent developments in the application of a transdiagnostic unified, cognitive behavioral and emotion-focused approach to treating emotional disorders. Workshop participants will learn how to apply treatment components to a wide range of emotional disorders . Workshop participants will learn how to apply treatment components to a wide range of emotional disorders in adults through instruction, case examples, and video clinical vignettes.
$15.00 - Base Price

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