People have holistic, mind-body-brain interactions, an inherent predisposition to grow, individuate and actualize their potential. But sometimes people get stuck due to their concurrent need for human affiliations. A sense of unresolved loss between the two effects their ability to develop a healthy balance of affiliated-individuation which is needed to negotiate the multiple epigenetic developmental tasks from birth to death.
Is peace within really possible? We propose Erickson's naturalistic-utilization therapy and Rossi's 4-Stage Creative Process are consistent with yoga's science of self-inquiry, mental dexterity and Buddha's 4 Noble Truths. We will practice gentle yoga exercise for all fitness levels and share transformational ancient stories of our new neuroscience of mind-body therapy.
As suggested by Milton Erickson, naturalistic hypnosis seems to be one of the best way of utilizing couple’s resources. Frequently couples fail in reaching a deep mutual exchange and complain of being unable to satisfy their needs for intimacy. Hypnotic experience seems to produce by itself a deep contact that rarely develops in their habitual patterns. Specific couple’s responses to hypnotic induction that can be utilized to produce contact and intimacy will be demonstrated. In some other cases couples are caught by conflicts they are unable to solve. A couples hypnotherapist can extend to both couple members rapport, and succeed in obtaining a special relationship that produces more syntonic and attuned behaviors, in which conflict intensity decreases and a greater ability to listen to each other and negotiate con
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
We illustrate how easy it is to integrate yoga narrative and movement with Ericksonian mind-body work. We engage the entire audience in a live experience of facilitating brain plasticity for the creation of new consciousness. Demonstrations with volunteers illustrate how to utilize the natural 4-stage creative cycle of problem solving and healing in everyday life. Every level of fitness and mindfulness from beginners to mature wisdom gurus are welcome!
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Ernest Rossi, PhD, Roxanna Erickson-Klein and Kathryn Rossi review the case work of Milton H. Erickson, MD in counseling, psychotherapy, therapeutic hypnosis and rehabilitation as evidence-based cognitive behavior therapy to treat anxiety, depression and trauma. This experiential workshop explores the timeless nature of the work of Milton H. Erickson, who substantially influenced the manner that psychotherapy is practiced in the 21 century.
Is enlightenment possible? We propose Erickson’s naturalistic – utilization therapy and Rossi’s 4-Stage Creative Process are consistent with yoga’s science of self-inquiry, mental dexterity and Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths. We will practice gentle yoga exercise for all fitness levels and share transformational stories of our new neuroscience of mind-body therapy.
The process of human growth and development occurs through a series of identity cycles. The transition from one identity level to the next is precipitated by extraordinary experiences, positive or negative in nature, that destabilize the ordinary state of consciousness. The result is a naturalistic trance or special learning state. If properly utilized, these trances lead to new, more evolved states of human being; but if not welcomed and received, violence and other forms of destructive pathology result. This address will examine this process in detail, and discuss implications for development at individual, group, and cultural levels.
The presenters will describe specific strategies for naturalistic trance induction and utilization. Emphasis will be on the adaptation and application of brief Ericksonian techniques, methods of naturalistic trance induction, deepening techniques and process instructions utilized to stimulate participants into shifting their perceptual positions and thinking about things differently.
In naturalistic hypnosis, the therapist's resources are essential for effective therapy. The way in which the therapist establishes rapport, using minimal cues, generally induces deeper, more durable changes than complex and sophisticated techniques. The therapist's emotions and isomorphic behaviors provide tools for accessing immediate diagnosis and therapeutic change.
In 1979, Milton Erickson and Jeffrey Zeig spent five hours reviewing a demonstration that Erickson conducted at a teaching seminar. That demonstration is now available as a training video for Ericksonian practitioners. Erickson’s experiential methods include the symbolic use of hypnotic phenomena, encouraging resistance, naturalistic confusion technique, seeding, and using isomorphic anecdotes. Jeffrey Zeig discusses the mechanics of Erickson’s unique approach to psychotherapy. Working with Resistance provides an opportunity to watch a master hypnotherapist demonstrate his technique.