EP09 Topical Panel 11 – Suicidal Behavior – James Hillman, Cloe Madanes, and Thomas Szasz
Educational Objective: To compare and contrast clinical and philosophical perspectives of experts.
Analysis of the problematic nature of the concepts of mental illness and psychological (verbal) therapy. How psychotherapists influence persons. Examination of the economic, ethical and legal aspects of psychotherapy.
Supervision Panel 06 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
Featuring Judith Beck, PhD; Thomas Szasz, MD; and Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Moderated by Jeffrey Kottler, PhD
Topical Panel 16 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005 - Ethics and Treatment Boundaries
Featuring Arnold Lazarus, PhD; Marsha Linehand, PhD; Thomas Szasz, MD; and Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
Moderated by Daniel Eckstein, PhD
Topical Panel 03 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005 - The Goal of Therapy
Featuring William Glasser, MD; Harriet Lerner, PhD; Francine Shapiro, PhD; and Thomas Szasz, MD
Moderated by Ellyn Bader, PhD
Dr. Szasz will compare and contrast the psychiatric and social scene in the late 1950's when he wrote The Myth of Menta/Illness, with the present psychiatric and social scenes. He will speculate about the impact of that book on psychiatric and psychotherapeutic thought and practice. Active audience participation is encouraged.
EP00 Dialogue 10 - Critique of Therapy - James Hillman, Ph.D., and Thomas Szasz, M.D.
Given a topic, to become aware of the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each approach.
Moderated by Bernhard Trenkle, Dipl. Pysch.
Topical Panel 13 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000 - Therapeutic Neutrality vs Social Commitment
Featuring James Hillman, PhD, Cloe Madanes, Lic. Psychol., James Masterson, MD, and Thomas Szasz, MD.
Moderated by Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC, LMFT
Topical Panel 08 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000 - Ethics
Featuring Mary Goulding, MSW, Cloe Madanes, Lic. Psychol., Thomas Szasz, MD, and Jeffrey Zeig, PhD.
Moderated by W. Michael Munion, MA.