The four-stage creative process will be facilitated with bioinformatics approaches to therapeutic hypnosis with the entire audience. Adaptations to each individual's needs will be demonstrated with volunteers from the audience.
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This session will provide an overview of important concepts in the beginning stage of hypnosis. Consideration of pre-hypnotic variables will be discussed. Then, methods to facilitate absorption into trance will be presented.
This workshop overviews the basic phenomenological shifts that occur in hypnotic trance, both spontaneously and through suggestion, and describes how they may be positively utilized for therapeutic change.
The hypnotic induction is the vehicle for facilitating the qualities of dissociation that characterize hypnotic experience: selective attention, detachment, multiple-level processing, non-volitional responses, and so forth. In some ways, the induction used matters very little and in other ways matters a lot. In this workshop, we'll explore and practice with a variety of induction processes ranging from structured to conversational.
Although your clientele may be voluntarily seeking treatment, you will occasionally encounter individuals who are strongly opposed to outside influence. Standard techniques and procedures often fail to achieve results with these individuals. This workshop will describe the type of approach that achieves positive outcomes in cases of complex resistance.
The language of hypnosis is an expressive grammar oriented to eliciting changes in state, mood, and perspective. We will study the use of truisms, yes-sets, presuppositions, dissociation statements, and implied causatives. Lecture, demonstration, practice.
This workshop will describe the Ericksonian principle of Utilization and its use in a trance induction. Utilization is a trademark of Ericksonian therapy and hypnosis and one of the things that makes it so effective and powerful. Live demonstration will help illustrate the concept. Exercises will help attendees to learn the concept of “Utilization”.
In this session, you will learn about trance phenomena, the experiential distortions that often accompany hypnosis. You will learn how and why to evoke them in induction and treatment.
Hypnosis is a natural vehicle for use of therapeutically effective metaphors and anecdotes. Participants will be taught to develop effective trances for this. Learning to find themes for and the creation of metaphors and anecdote will be taught and practiced. Using those interventions within the trances will also be taught and practiced.
Designed for participants with little or no previous exposure to Ericksonian hypnosis and psychotherapy, the course will familiarize attendees with essential tenets, terms, and principles of the approach. Topics covered include a historical perspective of Erickson’s work, important pre-hypnotic treatment considerations, and discussion of the typical course of a hypnotic session.