Commento di Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. Questa sessione ipnoterapeutica ha avuto luogo nel 1978 e, decenni dopo, è altrettanto potente e coinvolgente. Migliorare l'esperienza di apprendimento dello spettatore è la discussione del Dr. Zeig sugli elementi alla base dei metodi di Erickson: il modello di istruzione ARE; l'arte della comunicazione parallela; utilizzo mirato; e l'uso dell'implicazione. Il repertorio fluido di Erickson, tratto dal pensiero sistematico, include l'uso di aneddoti, comunicazione simbolica e semina strategica. La ricerca di soluzioni, basate sulla promozione di associazioni costruttive e pensieri e sentimenti flessibili, è un'area di particolare interesse e in cui Erickson era particolarmente elegante.
During this seminar, Dr. Erickson describes essential skills for working with resistant patients, the use of permissive language, ordeal therapy, geometric progression, and therapeutic double binds. Erickson conducts a demonstration, answers questions from the audience, and elaborates on his thinking with case illustrations that include: sexual dysfunction, stuttering, bed wetting, childhood eating disorders, compulsive habits, phobias and self-defeating behavior.
In this set, Erickson communicates the timeless principles of hypnosis that he observed, discovered and utilized. He emphasizes the paramount importance of protecting the patient and establishing trust as the very foundation of the cooperative relationship characteristic of hypnosis. He stresses the importance of understanding the meaningful need of the patient and reviews, with many examples, the techniques of rehearsal, uncovering, dissociation, regression, time-distortion, revivification, visualization, orientation to the past and to the future, trusting the unconscious mind, and post-hypnotic suggestion.
This video contains the best illustration of how Milton Erickson's handles cases presented to him. Using both hypnotherapy and strategic directives, Erickson works with a woman who has a phobia of a flying in a plane. This significant case exemplifies the fundamental principles and practices of an Ericksonian approach. These can be applied to other presenting problems and used by clinicians who subscribe to other treatment methodologies for a particular problem.
Milton Erickson a menudo aconsejaba a los estudiantes de psicoterapia que estudiaran antropología para que la terapia pudiera proporcionarse desde la perspectiva del trasfondo cultural del cliente. En el video, Erickson usa su comprensión de la orientación cultural cuando trabaja con un adolescente donde el problema que se presenta es un defecto del habla. Este es un caso muy informativo del uso de procesos estratégicos y sistémicos que se pueden aplicar a otros problemas presentes.
Narrated by Jay Haley, this full color, 60-minute documentary, now available in On Demand and DVD format, offers an intimate and far-reaching portrait of this remarkable individual's life and work. You will learn how Milton Erickson overcame numerous adversities in his early life dyslexia, complete paralysis from polio at age 17, and chronic pain and how these events formed the genesis of his development as an innovator in hypnosis and therapy. Featuring abundant footage of Erickson during interviews and therapeutic sessions, many of which have never been previously released, you will learn more about the man and his work through fascinating interviews with his colleagues, students, patients, and family members. This inspiring portrait of one of the most important therapists of our time will enrich the lives of anyone interested in the extraordinary potential of the human spirit.