Based on the world’s largest functional brain imaging database, Dr. Amen will give you a completely new way to think about and treat issues such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, ADHD, addictions, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia and even personality disorders. It is based on the unique Amen Clinics 4 Circles BRIGHT MINDS program, which shows you that in order to have a healthy mind you must first have a healthy brain.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Based on the brain scans and clinical histories of over 20,000 patients with ADHD, this workshop will help clinicians properly diagnose ADHD and subtype it into 7 different types. They will also learn the clinical symptoms, brain imaging patterns and treatments for each type.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Over the last 30 years Amen Clinics has built the world’s largest database of functional brain scans related to psychiatry, totaling nearly 200,000 SPECT scans on patients from 150 countries. In this conversation hour Dr. Amen will discuss the biggest lessons he has learned from this database and how this information can also help practitioners in their clinical practices, even if clients never get scanned.
Rossi (1992) demonstrates his approach to mind-body healing while working with a volunteer, Jennifer, who has rheumatoid arthristis in her hands, which have become distorted and painful. Rossi explains that mind-body healing follows a predictable pattern. During the final phase of this approach, Jennifer begins to experience automatic movement in her hands. She exclaims that her hands are moving more freely than they have in the last five years. Rossi attributes the success to "a genuine moment of self-empowerment."
This is a practical, personal growth workshop demonstrating how the new neuroscience principles of novelty, enrichment and physical exercise can be facilitated with creative replay and reframing as the fundamental dynamics of Erickson's work.
To list three psychological experiences that facilitate gene expression and brain plasticity. To describe how to engage the creative dynamics of dream work in Ericksonian psychotherapy.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
The implication of current research in neuroscience is that psychological experiences of novelty, enrichment, and exercise activate gene expression and brain plasticity (growth) in therapeutic hypnosis and psychotherapy. What does this mean for the actual clinical practice and rehabilitation as well as creative everyday living?
Neurofeedback allows us to retrain brainwave patterns associated with problems of depression, substance abuse, ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety and panic disorder, insomnia, headaches, migraines, head injuries, stroke, Tourette's, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, PTSD, enuresis and physical balance. Neurofeedback is also used in peak performance training and countering cognitive decline with aging. Integrating hypnosis with neurofeedback is ideal for treating many of these problems. A live demonstration will be included.
Children's emotional problems are increasing. Ericksonian approaches provide good psychotherapeutical processes and efficient brief therapy for young people. A neuropsychological basis supports a coherent theoretic frame which explains the origin of emotional problems and clarifies why brief Ericksonian solutions are efficient.
The Bioinformatics of Enchanting Effectiveness is the scientific foundation of Milton H. Erickson's naturalistic and utilization approach to therapeutic hypnosis and psychotherapy via the psychosocial facilitation of gene expression and brain plasticity.