Imago is couple's therapy that posits that all healing is relational. The core couples issue is ruptured connection, replicating the rupture of connection in childhood. The rupture and the defenses against it influence marital choice and the quality of the marital relationship. The core therapeutic challenge is to help couples restore and maintain connection. To that end, Imago therapists facilitate couples to reconnect using a specific dialogical process, that creates emotional safety, in which couples can help heal each other and grow toward wholeness.
Imago is couple's therapy that posits that all healing is relational. The core couples issue is ruptured connection, replicating the rupture of connection in childhood. The rupture and the defenses against it influence marital choice and the quality of the marital relationship. The core therapeutic challenge is to help couples restore and maintain connection. To that end, Imago therapists facilitate couples to reconnect using a specific dialogical process, which creates emotional safety, in which couples can help heal each other and grow toward wholeness.
Educational Objectives:
To describe how “immediate nextness”, followed continuingly, will lead to the achievement of therapeutic goals.
To describe how absorbed relationship is a leavening process for the increased motivation of clients.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
EP09 Dialogue 15 – Healthy Marriage – John Gottman, PhD, Julie Gottman, PhD and Salvador Minuchin, MD
Educational Objective: Given a topic, to describe the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
Cloé Madanes will present a theoretical framework and tools that therapists can use to understand what relationships need to change in order to solve the problem presented to therapy. Madanes will present 20 of her favorite strategies illustrated with case examples and with experiential exercises.
A systemic research-based approach to assessing and treating distressed couples will be presented. Multi-method assessments using questionnaires, interviews, observations, and physiological measurement will be reviewed. Key interventions based on the Gottman Sound Relationship House Theory will be described, and video segments of in-office therapy sessions will be shown to demonstrate them.
Dr. Polster will show how a deep relational duet can be created and, joined with therapeutic experiments and awareness expansion, provide a landscape of high focus, surprise, directionalism and radiance in the search for a sense of personal wholeness.Creation of fluidity, dependable identity, microcosmic lessons, and fresh storytelling will serve as major vehicles.
This workshop will immerse us in an exploration of how the human brain, mind, and relationships form an interconnected“triangle of well-being” involving the flow of energy and information. The mind regulates this flow; our relationships share this flow; and the brain serves as a mechanism mediating this flow. Knowing how to work with empathic relationships, a coherent mind, and an integrated brain builds a perspective on how to approach psychotherapy from an “interpersonal neurobiology” perspective. Nine domains of integration will be highlighted for application in psychotherapy.
Extrapolating psychotherapy leadership private sessions into Life Focus Communities would expand therapy’s inter-relational purpose, combining the treasures of belonging with the inspirational powers of people joining together in a continuing examination of the lived life. Dr. Polster will offer some novel comparisons with religion and demonstrate through experiential exercises how such groups may be conducted.
Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) dramatically improves both retention and outcome of behavioral health services. FIT involves routinely and formally soliciting feedback from clients regarding the therapeutic alliance and outcome of care and using the resulting information to inform and tailor service delivery. Dr. Miller will demonstrate how clinicians can integrate FIT into their work regardless of theoretical orientation or professional discipline.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00