BT06 Workshop 07 - Enhancing Relationships - Cloé Madanes, Lic Psic, HDLMadanes will present a series of skills, practices and strategies for enhancing relationships. There will be opportunity for discussion and for practicing some of these skills.
BT06 Workshop 14 - Psychotherapy Relationships That Work: Tailoring the Relationship to the Individual Patient - John Norcross, PhDPsychotherapy will maximize its effectiveness by targeting the most powerful sources of change, the therapeutic relationship and the patient him/herself. This practical workshop will provide an integrative structure for customizing therapy relationships to individual clients. Participants will learn to reliably assess and rapidly apply four evidence-based guidelines (patient preferences, stages of change, resistance level, real-time feedback) for constructing the "relationship of choice."
Couples in our society are very isolated from other couples and from "what is normal" in a relationship. Couples workshops provide a unique opportunity to de-mystify relationship stress and change destructive cycles quickly. Attendees will have an opportunity to experience effective exercises used in couple's workshops.
Brief Adlerian Couples Therapy will be described in detail. The key components of Adler's approach as they apply to couples therapy will be highlighted, including the numerous strategies and techniques that are unique to this approach. The program also will show how to integrate the strategies of other theories into this model. The core skills of effective relationships will be discussed and integrated into actual treatment protocols. Several examples from actual couples therapy sessions will be used to show the process as well as to demonstrate the strategies. The program will conclude with ideas that can be used to help couples prevent relapse after an effective intervention has been made.
Within the enormous complexity of human experience, the reflex to connectedness rescues the person from fragmentation. Dr. Polster will portray connectedness along four dimensions: 1) person to person, enhancing relational experience and belonging; 2) moment to moment, restoring continuity and fluidity; 3) event to event, recovering life's storyline; 4) Characteristic to characteristic, integrating the self.
That only one partner is willing to seek relationship therapy should not deter therapists since there is much that can be accomplished. In fact, there are occasions when working with only one partner is preferable. This workshop will explore these situations and offer therapists a conceptual framework for conducting relationship-oriented sessions with one partner present.
A relationship can fail without conscious intent unless you understand the two major forces underlying resentment and alienation. Come learn how one shift in perception and three simple techniques can create harmony and happiness at home and work. This workshop will include lecture, video, practical handouts, experiential exercise and discussion.
This presentation addresses the issues of teen anger and "acting out" from a brief therapy approach to treatment. Interventions psychotherapists can integrate into family therapy enhancing parent capabilities and encouraging improved relationships with their teens will be presented. An experiential exercise will be provided helping attendees integrate brief, goal-oriented approaches as well as hypnotic and strategic interventions.
Often, "oh, no!" is the first response to loss, be it a wallet, loved one, or dream. Something is gone. What happens next? One could get mired in cultural expectations that there must be denial, anger, depression - or, one can flow through the natural grief sequence to understanding, having appropriate emotions and being proactive. Learn how to get back into balance processing grief with nature's intention - having loving and healthy connections.
Difficult relationships are often confusing. This disorder, rather than the content differences, often keeps us from finding resolution. Learn a simple, yet detailed, content-free process to sort out this unconscious confusion, reach clarity, understand other's experience, and spontaneously change perceptions and responses to become more resourceful. A demonstration will be given.