Dr. Erickson proposed that all our life experiences were learnings and resources registered in our Unconscious Mind. He considered Unconscious Mind as a Wise Part. For Quantum Physics in the same way that all the information about each person is in its DNA, the information of the Whole Universe is present in each one of its parts. I call that information our Universal Wisdom. Wisdom, because it is all the information and Universal because it is the same everywhere. For me Universal Wisdom is the Creative Force, and so, Almighty. That is not a question of beliefs but a question of imagining. What we imagine for our brain is stronger than what it recognizes as reality.
In this set, Erickson communicates the timeless principles of hypnosis that he observed, discovered and utilized. He emphasizes the paramount importance of protecting the patient and establishing trust as the very foundation of the cooperative relationship characteristic of hypnosis. He stresses the importance of understanding the meaningful need of the patient and reviews, with many examples, the techniques of rehearsal, uncovering, dissociation, regression, time-distortion, revivification, visualization, orientation to the past and to the future, trusting the unconscious mind, and post-hypnotic suggestion.