BT12 Workshop 10 – Brief Family Therapy – Camillo Loriedo, MD, PhD
The therapeutic relationship appears to be the key element for short-term treatment. The use of rapport in Ericksonian Psychotherapy is an excellent example of the essential use of the therapeutic relationship in Brief Family Therapy. As demonstrated by Carl Whitaker’s position in family therapy, therapist’s emotions, fantasies, and isomorphic behaviors can provide useful suggestions both for diagnosing and effectively utilizing the therapeutic relationship.
BT12 Workshop 42 – Treating Anxious Children and Families: Brief, Successful and Fun – Lynn Lyons, MSW
Families dealing with anxiety are often locked into cognitive and behavioral patterns that are rigid, overwhelming, and controlling. This workshop provides tools and interventions to interrupt the predictable elements of anxiety, help parents shift out of their anxious behavior, and teach families a plan to handle the process of worry.
The Communication Theory Based Family and Brief Therapy developed by the Palo Alto Group pioneered specific techniques for quickly comprehending relationship and contextual commands and constraints inherent in how people communication about the problem they are experiencing. This demonstration will reveal how a therapist uses listening and joining skills to identify and use messages implied about the relationship nexus of which the problem is a part to join and engender constructive change.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Family Constellations are a treatment method invented by Bert Hellinger and developed by his expositors. This well-grounded and solution-oriented application can change recalcitrant problems in a short time because it addresses core issues and utilizes the power of the family system, revealing hidden gemstones of love. Restoring the natural symmetry of respect and affiliation rids clients of the burdens that make life painful and sad. Constellations can optimize life energy and diffuse problematic scripts that cause redundant dysfunctional patterns.
When children and their parents are in the grips of worry and stress, it feels overwhelming and mysterious. Anxiety is a very persistent master; when it moves into families, it takes over daily routines, schoolwork, bedtime and recreation. To make matters worse, the things adults (including many therapist and school systems) do to help and console anxious children actually make the anxiety stronger.
Parentline is a telehealth service developed by psychologists at University of San Francisco for families with children birth to three. Presenters will detail this protocol and its integration with the delivery of focused, skill-based interventions, which research indicates is especially supportive for new parents. Pilot study results of the protocol, which is hypothesized to increase parenting confidence, decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms, and improve perceptions of support in the first six months postpartum, will be shared.
In this training, the presenter will focus on what it means to work effectively with resistant parents and keep them engaged during the therapeutic process. We’ll explore the role a parent plays in a family’s ability to change, successfully maintain those changes, and what strategies clinicians can use to bypass parental resistance to develop a therapeutic alliance that empowers parents and heals families.
We don't often think of creativity and problem solving as equal partners in therapy with children. But when struggling families arrive at your office, it is the immediate blending of these two components that allows you and the family to move quickly from overwhelmed to engaged, confused to targeted. Based on 29 years of successes and failures, this speech will offer ideas to immediately connect with families, help them untangle the tired messiness they often arrive with, and create active interventions that build momentum, create new patterns, and offer hope.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00