Ellis and Wolfe (1995) demonstrate with several volunteers. Beth, is troubled by her dominating mother. Ellis assigns a homework task. Next, Wolfe works with a volunteer who feels betrayed by her husband and brother. Ellis works with a second volunteer, Megan, who is ending a relationship with her boyfriend. Ellis uses imagery, confrontation and humor.
Those suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder are convinced that great harm will come if they do not comply with rigidly set rules of safety. The therapist can reframe the nature of the problem and incorporate all interventions within four simple but provocative guidelines. Then, utilization and pattern disruption lead to new experiences that challenge the dysfunctional beliefs of the client.
An experiential orientation empowers therapeutic change. Dramatic experiential methods can be used by any clinician in every stage of the therapeutic process including assessment, in session treatment and homework assignments. Techniques to be demonstrated and practiced include therapist sculpting, symbolic assignments and analogical tasks.
Obsessions persist despite the application of logic or reason, and compulsions are so successful at briefly relieving anxiety that they take on a life of their own. The therapist can reframe the nature of the problem and incorporate all interventions within four simple but provocative guidelines that challenge the dysfunctional beliefs of the client.
When working with anxious kids, your brilliance in the office means nothing if they cannot take what you offer and use it in their world. This presentation will give you eight homework assignments to engage kids from the start, and will spark your strategic creativity as you develop your own homework ideas.
Topical Panel 18 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000 - Homework Assignments
Featuring Alexander Lowen, MD, Miriam Polster, PhD, Paul Watzlawick, PhD, and Jeffrey Zeig, PhD.
Moderated by Bernhard Trenkle, Dipl. Psych.
Topical Panel 10 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005 - Homework
Featuring Judith Beck, PhD; Claudia Black, PhD; Nicholas Cummings, PhD; and Arnold Lazarus, PhD
Moderated by Bernhard Trenkle, Dipl. Psych.