Guided Metaphor is a systemic approach using the clients life story as a vehicle to restructure their lives. The client is empowered to create a new life story, and this is told back to them using hypnotic language. The client literally transforms the metaphor of his/her life.
The use of ECEM (eye closure, eye movement) will be demonstrated in this session. ECEM targets negative imagery associated with anxiety and involves the use of the eye movement component of EMDR within a hypnotic context.
The use of metaphor is a hallmark of Ericksonian work. The varieties of metaphoric work will be presented and discussed briefly. The structures of basic and advanced metaphors will be presented. There will be a group exercise and demonstration of guided metaphor.
To achieve optimal health and functioning, we need our minds to be in a relaxed and focused state. This demonstration uses imagery, color, sound, light, metaphor and transfer of energy to achieve change in states of consciousness for mental and physical fitness.
Cognitive-Behavioral therapies enjoy considerable empirical support as effective treatments for depression. Actively teaching cognitive and behavioral skills is essential to these therapies. Hypnosis has been shown to enhance client skill acquisition and to manage common depressive symptoms. In this workshop, we will explore ways hypnosis can assist in treating depression.
People slip in and out of trance every day. Couples evoke each other into positive trances (falling in love) and negative trances (reenacting family-of-origin, unresolved issues and identifications). In this workshop we will work with five hypnotic tools to help couples transform their relationship.
This workshop reveals the psychological secrets of success of elite athletes and performing artists and makes them available to therapists working with clients who wish to bust slumps or achieve excellence in any aspect of their lives - work, play or romance. Learn the psychological tactics of Lance Armstrong, Willie Mays, John McEnroe, Ali, EMINEM and Dumbo, and then learn how to put them to work for your client using hypnotic, solution-focused, strategic protocols.
Erickson reminded us that people are more resourceful than they know, but how can we respectfully connect clients with their natural resourcefulness and assist them towards their solutions? By exploring what someone likes we can tap into a richly textured collection of experiences that can then provide a coherent and effective direction to the therapy process.
This workshop explores hypnosis and integrative medicine to analyze the subtle human anatomy, diagnose the psychophysiological aspects of a problem and stimulate the healing response. Cutting edge research is reported and a variety of tools including light, sound and electromagnetic frequency are demonstrated. The therapist can use energetic trance techniques for treatment.
ECEM is an approach to the treatment of trauma that integrates the eye movement component of EMDR within hypnosis. ECEM utilizes the effect of eye movements on imagery in the context of hypnotic safety, unconscious processing, self-suggestion, and future pacing. This workshop includes research review, demonstration and practicum.
This workshop will explore the manner by which hypnosis restores the natural balance of the mind and body. Participants will learn how hypnotic patterns can create or utilize pathways that resonate throughout the body and mind with synchrony at the cellular level. This will result in expanding the utilization of hypnosis to encompass the integration of systemic health.