This six-hour program seeks to provide information and recommendations for mental health professionals whose work includes the assessment and treatment of couples and families. The program begins with an update on legal and ethical developments that affect providers, and then moves to a discussion of risk management strategies for clinicians, including the most critical issues faced by clinicians in their work. We continue with important issues concerning confidentiality and “secrets"
This six-hour program seeks to provide information and recommendations for mental health professionals whose work includes the assessment and treatment of couples and families. The program begins with an update on legal and ethical developments that affect providers, and then moves to a discussion of risk management strategies for clinicians, including the most critical issues faced by clinicians in their work. We continue with important issues concerning confidentiality and “secrets"
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This six-hour program seeks to provide information and recommendations for mental health professionals whose work includes the assessment and treatment of couples and families. The program begins with an update on legal and ethical developments that affect providers, and then moves to a discussion of risk management strategies for clinicians, including the most critical issues faced by clinicians in their work.
This six-hour program seeks to provide information and recommendations for mental health professionals whose work includes the assessment and treatment of couples and families. The program begins with an update on legal and ethical developments that affect providers, and then moves to a discussion of risk management strategies for clinicians, including the most critical issues faced by clinicians in their work.
EP00 Dialogue 02 - The Therapeutic Relationship - Albert Ellis, Ph.D., and Eugene Gendlin, Ph.D.
Given a topic, to become aware of the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each approach.
Moderated by Ellyn Bader, Ph.D.
Often meetings on therapy focus on differences among therapists; overlooked is what they have in common. Basic ideas are hidden in social and political actions.
Therapy promotes "movement." To facilitate movement the therapist can assume therapeutic "postures." These postures are a font from which interventions follow.
Based on a review of the psychotherapy literature, seven core tasks that psychotherapists need to include and five additional core tasks of psychotherapy for patients with a history of victimization have been identified. A case conceptualization model and treatment guidelines on how to become a more effective psychotherapist will be offered.
State of the Art Address 03:
Belief in one's personal efficacy is the foundation of human motivation, accomplishments and emotional well-being. This address will analyze the sources of people's beliefs in their efficacy, their cognitive, motivational and emotional effects, and how to build a resilient sense of efficacy for personal and social betterment.