We will summarize the Rossi 50+ year saga of exploring the theory, research and practice of Mind-Body Psychotherapy with live demonstrations for the entire audience as well as individual volunteers with a focus on 4 Essential keys: 1. Milton Erickson’s Minimal Cues Optimizing Therapeutic Hypnosis, 2. The 90-120 minute 4-Stage Creative Cycle, 3.The Novelty-Numinosum-Neurogenesis Effect , 4.The Basic Rest-Activity Cycle of Everyday Mind-Body Healing. Yoga activity will be experienced as appropriate through-out.
Latinx Immigrants in psychotherapy need to be seen from a strength versus deficit perspective. Across generational differences, there are cultural anchors from the family, spirituality and religion, interdependence, and self-determination that lead to achievements in the midst of adversity. The sociopolitical context and structural barriers to documented and undocumented immigrants need to be recognized as factors of oppression, trauma, and discrimination, yet, Latinx persons persevere for their families, and those they left behind. Because of the Latinx relational orientation, therapists can engage through respectful culture-centered, interpersonal approaches.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This workshop will show how trauma affects the developing mind and brain, and teach how trauma affects self-awareness and self-regulation. We will focus on the fundamental difference between trauma desensitization vs. integration and growth, and look at the difference between disrupted attachment and traumatic stress. We will examine the role of interpersonal rhythms and attunement in establishing a sense of self and community. This workshop will discuss and demonstrate affect regulation techniques, examine ways to deal with fragmented self-experience, and teach the benefits of yoga, EMDR, meditation, neurofeedback, music and theater.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Using a simple three-part model of spirituality, you’ll learn how to infuse a spiritual sensibility into couples therapy even with clients that are non-religious, dogmatically religious or who are hostile towards spirituality or religion.
Besides the patient's past history and present intrapsychic complaints, besides his/her interpersonal relations, the patient lives in an aesthetic, spiritual, cultural, economic and environmental world of intimate things, physical places and invisible atmospheres. To focus mainly upon personal subjectivity to the neglect of the non-human factors falsifies the patient's daily actuality and endangers therapy with artificiality. Therapy must therefore bridge into the world.
Health and well-being are akin to a three-legged stool being supported by one leg of pharmaceuticals; a second leg of surgery; and a third leg of self-care. Whereas the first two legs are awesome in their efficacy, they are not effective in treating 60-90% of visits to health care professionals since these visits are related tos tress and other mind/body interactions. Dr. Benson will describe the therapeutic efficacy of the third leg - especially the usefulness of the relaxation response, belief and spirituality.
Dialogue 09 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005 - Spirituality
Featuring Cloe Madanes and Jean Houston, PhD
Moderated by Bernhard Trenklle, Dipl. Psych.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
The subtle body is the bridge between the physical body and the spirit. There will be a brief discussion of Embodied Soul and its use with addictions, eating disorders and co-dependant relationships. Then, in this experiential personal development program, participants will work with the transformation of personal dream images to "open" the body. It is recommended that participants bring a blanket or coat for simple meditation exercises that will be conducted lying on the floor.